Episode 41

Client Attraction Challenges: Identifying the Gaps

In this kickoff episode of Kickstart the Conversation, Catharine delves into the critical world of client attraction, identifying and addressing the four major gaps that entrepreneurs frequently encounter. Learn about practical, quiz-based strategies to enhance your messaging, understand the client journey, establish your expert authority, and master client follow-up.

What You'll Learn

  • Message Clarity: Discover how quizzes can help refine your marketing message, making it more resonant and effective.
  • Client Journey: Understand the importance of mapping out your client's journey and how quizzes can reveal critical touchpoints.
  • Expert Authority: Explore how to use quizzes to establish and solidify your position as an expert in your field.
  • Client Follow-up: Learn innovative quiz-based techniques for maintaining engagement and building lasting relationships with clients.

This Episode Is Perfect For Entrepreneurs and business owners looking to enhance their client attraction and retention strategies. Whether you're a startup founder or a seasoned business leader, this episode offers insightful, actionable solutions for common marketing challenges.

What is the Best Quiz for Your Biz?

Take this FREE 60-second Quiz to Find Out: quizformybiz.com.

About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.


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Catharine O'Leary: Hello everyone, and welcome back to kick start the conversation, the definitive podcast for entrepreneurs who are ready to scale their business. I'm your host, Catharine O'Leary. And today we're tackling a topic that is crucial for anyone looking to make their mark. It's actually the four major gaps in client attraction. So we're not only going to identify these gaps, but also explore innovative ways to bridge them. So let's get started. Our first gap is message clarity, this is so so key. And is a place where a lot of entrepreneurs miss the mark a little bit. We get really clever with our marketing and our you know, catchphrases and anagrams and, you know, short forms and this and that, and we lose the clarity of our message. So it's like having an a groundbreaking solution. But when you explain it, it sounds like a puzzle. So our first major challenge that we want to talk about today's message clarity, you know, your your product or service is great, but does your target audience truly understand its value in the sense of what it's going to do for them. So they don't really care about the how they don't really care about you, honestly, at this point in time, when you're first, you know, discussing their problem and the solution that you can provide to them, they're really looking for how they're going to feel what they're going to be able to do, or what they're going to be able to have on the other side of the problem. And that needs to be really clear. It you know, clear is better than clever, and it needs to be, you know, really hone in on their language. And you know, what they're going to be understanding as you know, the solution to the problem. So your message is absolutely the cornerstone of client attraction. The key here is to really craft that clear and compelling message, ensuring your ideal clients can instantly grasp the value that you offer, and what they're gonna get out of it. So how do we do this? Well, you can do this through quizzes, I mean, imagine, but imagine a quiz that really gently nudges your audience to reveal their biggest challenges and their preferences. This is the feedback that is absolute gold, to enable you to tailor your messaging in a way that really resonates deeply with your ideal clients. So it's about making your ideal clients feel seen and understood. And there's no better way to do that than with a really well crafted quiz. And again, what you want to make sure is that your understanding your ideal clients 3am Question in the language that they're speaking so you know, what, whatever words that they're using to articulate what they're going through, and then put that into your quiz, so that you can really make sure that you're meeting your clients where they're at, and then taking them on a journey to the solution. And that brings us to our second gap, which is the client journey. And the client journey is often overlooked, but it's crucial for success. It's like, you know, without the client journey, without really understanding your client's journey from the problem that they have to the solution that you solve, and being able to really navigate people from that, you know, point A to point B, it's like embarking on a journey without a map. So you really want to understand your clients journey, you know, to basically go from problem to solution or really from discovery of you to conversion of into a client. So it's understanding the path that your client takes from discovering who you are and what you do. And then, you know, to making that final purchase decision for them into you know, the solutions that you can provide, and that that journey can be complex, but quizzes can simplify it. So by incorporating questions that pinpoint where your clients are in their process, from, you know, are they just starting out with the problem? How, how much have they done to try to solve the problem? Is it something that's a reoccurring problem? Has it been around for a long time? Is it a new problem? And, you know, what are some of the systems or processes that you want to ask about, to better understand where the challenges lie with their problem that can take them into the solution that you provide? So the quiz questions that you use are effectively your roadmap to your ideal clients from the problem that they have to the solution that you have in asking those questions around the intricacies of their problem and you know where they're at with that project. In a problem, so, you know, Quizzes can be like signposts guiding your clients through the journey and it feels, it feels very personal and attended and attentive to their needs. Because it's, it's makes them feel like you're talking right to them, or with them rather, and that you are able to provide solutions that you know, are based on you hearing them, which is absolutely critical for, for building that client relationship. The third gap that we're going to talk about is being the expert and the authority. So being seen as the subject matter expert, in your, in your niche or in your industry. And really in a crowded market market, standing out as an authority in your field can make all the difference. My one of my mentors used to say you don't want to be, you know, just another. So you don't want to just be another real estate agent, another coach, another, you know, lead generation specialist, another Mindset coach, whatever it is, you want to be the, you know, real estate agent, the mindset coach, you know, the authority in your field, because your clients, your ideal clients are seeking someone they can trust. So, when you are, you know, building strategies, around your expert status and positioning you as the go to authority in your niche, that's where you're going to be able to start standing out as the expert in your industry. And this is where quizzes can, can come into play, to not only, you know, probe, but also inform. So each you know, each response can be an opportunity to share a bit of your expertise. So when you ask a question, the answers that you provide can really show how you're the subject matter expert on this particular question on this particular conversation that you're having with your ideal client. And it really solidifies your standing as the go to expert in your niche. Because at the end of the day, it's really about building trust and credibility. And that can be done one question at a time, which is amazing. And the final gap is often underestimated often overlooked, and it probably the most critical of of the gaps that we're going to talk about, maybe only followed by as a close second by your messaging, but it's really that follow up, rate client follow up, don't forget that, if you're building an email list, for example, you're building, you're doing some lead generation, probably 90 to 95% of the people that you first contact on that first actual initial contact, are not going to buy from you. Right, they need to build that trust, and they need to build that you know, that repertoire with you that you know, that relationship with you. And they're gonna do that by follow up. So don't, a lot of people concentrate on the 5% of those reach out to them at the beginning and purchase, you really want to be making sure that you're nurturing the other 95%. That's not to say that every single person that ends up on your email list or you end up contacting will, will become a client. That's not what I'm saying. But I'm saying that your, your odds are going to be greatly improved. If you follow up with people that didn't buy the first ad like you know, the first time out of the gate, you don't want to be planting seeds, and then just not water them, like they're never going to sprout. So the art of follow up is not just staying in touch. It's also about, you know, staying relevant and effective follow up ensures that no opportunity slips through the cracks. So, you know, Quizzes can be a powerful way to keep that conversation going. And, you know, you can get, you know, really personalized around, you know, what they first contacted you for, or maybe the next step in their journey as you understand their client journey a little better. By leveraging the data from those initial interactions, you can follow up with content that strikes that strikes a chord, making each client feel feel valued and understood.


This is where the personalization and the customization that is available to the entrepreneur, based on quiz, you know, utilizing quizzes as part of your strategy. This is where really the rubber hits the road where you can absolutely stand out from the competition and stand out from other emails because you are talking to somebody directly based off of information that they provided you. And that is, you know, the ultimate customization and personalization that you can you can give somebody and to follow up with them and it's going to really boost that relationship building for you and really fast track it. Because you're making each client feel valued and understood and feel heard. Clients want to be here they're trying to find a solution. of the problem, right? They're not, they're not out there necessarily window shopping for, you know, for all these solutions, they really do want a solution, right, and you want to be that solution. So, you know, making sure that you're following up with clients so that they feel like they've been heard is gonna go a long way to making sure that your, you know, your lead generation and your lists are productive for you. So, you know, again, this follow up, it's, it shouldn't be seen as a step that you kind of have to do, which you do. But you know, like, it shouldn't be, it should be fun, it should be something like something that is so key to your strategy, because it's not just about follow up. It's about building those lasting relationships. So to wrap up, bridging these gaps, which the four of them are your message, clarity, totally, absolutely key client journey. So understanding how to get your clients from their problem to your solution, being an expert, and being the subject matter, expert and authority in your industry. And then absolutely critical as your client follow up. If you can bridge these gaps, if you can, you know, make sure that you are doing your best in all four of these, you can absolutely transform the way you attract and retain clients. And basically the humble quiz. Well, it's kind of your secret weapon. It's the you know, it's your sidekick that can go into every conversation with ideal clients. So whether that's on social media, or it's on podcasts, or it's on summits, or it's a gift giveaway, however, that works, you know, your quiz can be engaging, insightful, and you know, very, very effective. So, remember, this is absolutely key. It's not just about closing a sale. It's about opening a relationship. And it's about nurturing that relationship that is going to set you apart from your competition. So thank you for joining us on kickstart the conversation. For more insights and to explore quiz templates tailored for your business. Head over to quiz for my biz.com to see an example. And stay tuned for our next episode where we'll dive into more strategies to help your business thrive. Until then keep pushing the envelope, keep pushing the boundaries and keep growing your business. We'll see you soon

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Kickstart the Conversation
Leads, Lists, and Leverage

About your host

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Catharine O'Leary

Catharine O'Leary is an economist, entrepreneur, and investor who is passionate about helping businesses grow. She is also the quiz queen, always asking the best questions to attract the best clients for her clients.

Catharine has spent the last 25 years perfecting her market research and consumer insights expertise in the corporate world. Now she is motivated by helping others apply innovative marketing strategies that make it easier for your ideal clients to find you. Especially if you are a speakers, podcaster, author, or coach!