Episode 42

Scaling Your Business with Abundance: Insights from Martin Salama

Join Catharine as she welcomes Martin Salama, creator of the Warrior's life code, for an insightful episode. Discover the challenges entrepreneurs face in client attraction and Martin's innovative business model to address them.

Key Points:

  • Martin introduces the "7-Figure Abundant" program, aiming to shift individuals from scarcity to abundance.
  • Explore a five-stage roadmap for business owners, emphasizing self-confidence, sales growth, and strategic philanthropy.
  • Dive into mindset shifts, effective delegation, and staying focused on strengths, crucial for scaling success.
  • Unveil the secrets to client attraction, business growth, and living abundantly in this engaging conversation.




About the Guest:

For over a decade Martin Salama, The Architect of The Warrior's L.I.F.E. Code has been helping entrepreneurs shift from worry and lack to abundance and being a L.I.F.E. Warrior! Why spend your time worrying when you can be Living Incredibly Full Everyday!





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About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.


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Catharine O'Leary: Hey everyone, welcome back to kickstart the conversation. I'm your host, Catharine O'Leary. And I am super excited to have our next guest speaker on today. His name is Martin Salama, he is the architect of the warriors life code. That's l i F E code. And he has been helping entrepreneurs shift from worry to lack of abundance and being a life warrior. And he's going to talk all about that, as well as something new that he's got coming up that he's going to demonstrate for us, which I can't wait to, to actually hear more about. So you know, why spend time worrying when you can live incredibly full every day. And that is L I F E live incredibly full every day. So Martin, welcome to Kick Start The Conversation, I'm excited to have you.

Martin Salama:

oh I'm so happy to be here, Catharine, my friend for a bunch of years now. I'm so excited to be to be here and to be on your show.

Martin Salama:

Catharine O'Leary: Yeah, we met a few years ago through a networking and speakers Playhouse. And I've traveled a little bit together and had a lot of fun kind of growing in our speaking, to sell and so on speaking, you know, one to many, which we both been been doing a little bit about. But tell us a little bit more about the business. And I know that you're going on into a slightly new direction or a new offer. So I'm excited to hear about it. Oh,


thank you. Thank you so much. So let me just give you a little background, I've been a life coach for about 1213 years now, over the last five, six years, my main focus has been helping people shift their mindset from lack to abundance. And it's a big thing. People don't realize that they're in that mindset. They're like, yeah, no, I am great. I'm, I'm aware, I'm self aware, I'm like, yeah, there's a difference, you probably self conscious, and you don't even know if they work with me, they get to see you get to I help them make that shift. But over the years, also, what I was doing was trying to get my, my program out to the masses. And what I would do, I would sign up for these other programs, coach, the coaches type of programs, where they say, oh, spend all this money, you'll get this great deal, you'll get this will help you build it, and you'll become a millionaire. And even though I that's a big goal of mine, the bigger goal is to hit get to touch a million lives, you know, and with that the millions will come. So one is part of the other as it were. And I would go into these programs, and I spent all this ridiculous amount of money. And, and I'm one of those guys, I'm I you know, I see I see the shiny object I jump right. Oh, squirrel, you know, like that, you know, I jump all over it. You know,


Catharine O'Leary: I think I think you and I both jumped at the same squirrel. So yeah, I


think so. So and I've spent a lot of money on programs that have developed next to nothing. And lots of the times they're like, Well, you didn't do this, and you didn't do that. And you know, it's up to you watch the videos, follow the along and all that. And I realized that, you know what, it's partially their fault. And it's partially my fault. My fault, mostly for jumping in and thinking I understood everything that was going on. And their fault for making it look great, but not fully delivering. And they said, I understand the basis of it now. And I can do it myself for others. And but the difference has to be is that I want to be somebody who's in there with them done for you done with you. And I have skin in the game with you. So far as I was like, What do you mean by that? So what I mean by that is, is that it's a it's a fantastic program. But I'm only asking for 12 and a half percent up front that gets you going, that gets you started. And the other 87 and a half percent of the investment that you're making, doesn't come back until you start to see a return on your investment. So that's where my skin in the game is. Because my guarantee to you is two things. Number one, I'm going to get you there. And that there's going to be chaos along the way. And number two, if you don't quit, I don't quit. As simple. So


Catharine O'Leary: this is and this is something that I think especially for newer entrepreneurs to be wary of, is that you know, there is no silver bullet out there of whether it's you know, traffic and getting leads in or it's a way to, you know, deliver your programs or it's a way to follow up and upsell and down sell or whatever like like this is a this is a whole process. It's a whole business and it's not done in 4.2 seconds. And it's not done with just one tool. So we get sucked into this idea of the next thing like the the next challenge the next platform, the next you know way to deliver laser coaching or In whatever it is, and, you know, we don't stop and kind of think, Okay, wait, is this the way that I want to be delivering it? Is this the way that my ideal client needs it to be delivered or wants it to be delivered? And you know, is this a way that's set up? Honestly, really, for a win win? Because not, not all programs are like setting there are we know, we know some people in the industry, that it's like, as soon as you put your credit card down, that's it, you get nothing like you get you cannot back out, you cannot get your money back, you have to go through with the program, regardless of how much it cost. Right.


As matter of fact, there's an interesting story, I was working with somebody recently, and she brought on a partner, and things and it was for something separate worlds to help me build my branding, right? And I emailed them saying, I needed a three month I needed a break, because I wasn't creating enough income at the moment to sustain what I was doing there. And her partner said to sent me thing, he's, oh, you want to take a break? That's fine. You want to quit? No problem. But once you quit, you're banned from us for life. I'm like, what? I never heard of such a thing. And I reached out to the front, I said, Do you know that this is what he's offering? She's like, No, no, no, that's not what I do. I go, but that's what he's representing us.


Catharine O'Leary: Yeah. And that's harsh. And you know what? You get to why would you want to burn a bridge? As an entrepreneur, you get to run your business your way? That's not our way. That's not the way that you and I would probably do it, I would dare say, given that we know each other, but it is the way that some people run it. And that's, you know, up to them, you know that those are people that I just choose not to do business with?


Exactly. But interesting as another as like, Are you kidding? Yeah, but programs over the years where I'm like, you know, I'm in this now. I'm deep in it, I spent a lot of money. And I'm not getting anything out of this. Yeah. And I would just jump into another program, thinking that it would be the right way to figure it out. I'm doing it again.


Catharine O'Leary: At some point in time, you need to stop taking the courses and start implementing exactly as you're like, if, if it was all just about knowledge, then we'd all be billionaires, because everything is on YouTube, exactly, like in some way, shape, or form. If it was all about just the information, then we'd be sad, but it's not. It's about the coaching and the accountability of the results. And the results. Yes. So let's go back,


the idea is to sell the results, not the information.


Catharine O'Leary: Exactly. So So tell us a little bit more about you know, kind of what you do and how you help people. Right?


So the way I do it is, right now I'm filling my founder circle. And really what the founders circle is, for the most part is kind of like the beta testers. But as a result of being the beta testers, you get a lot more of me than when this is going on. And I become scalable, which is what I want to what I'm coaching my people to become is to become scalable. And what I mean by that is, so many of us think we have to do everything in our business. Right? And there's a great book written by Dan Sullivan called who not how, okay, and you know, the book? I do? Yep. So for the audience, just I'll tell them quickly, hold on to how means you wake up in the morning and say, How am I going to do this? And how am I going to do that? And am I going to do the other thing, and then you spend five hours doing something that's not in your expertise. Let's say you're worth $200 an hour, you've just wasted $1,000 of your time. Instead, you should wake up, wake up and say, Who can I get to do this for me, who's an expert in this, that can do this for me. And maybe they're $50 or $100 an hour, and they can do it in one or two hours, you've saved yourself eight or $900. And you're working smart. You want to stay in your zone of genius, and let the other people around them. And it's it's taking Robert Kiyosaki who said, I want to be the dumbest guy in the room. Right. And I say, I say, the people that know how work for the people that know why that doesn't minimize the how people, their jobs are important. Yeah. Yeah. So that's what I mean. That's what I'm talking here is that will show you how to become scalable.


Catharine O'Leary: So I want I almost want to take a step back, because I feel like we're talking ahead of people, we all we all we know each other. So let's take a huge step back. And if I knew nothing about what you're doing and your offers right state, let's let's go back to the beginning and what what is it that you're actually you know, how are people what, what are you so


they come into the program, and we set up these group coaching calls. And in the group coaching calls, you'll get one on one service in there. So you're getting a one on one, but being part of the group coaching, you're also hearing the issues that are coming up for other people and say, Oh my God, I didn't think about that. And by listening to if I'm talking to Katherine, and Joe's in the room, Joe's gonna say, Wait a minute. I like that idea. If I didn't think of it, let me incorporate it in what I'm doing. And then Sarah is in the room. And she's like, Oh, I've got another question that I just thought of because of what Catherine is talking about. Yeah. And we build on that, right? And then I give you specific templates. To figure out who's your right fit client? Who's your right fit audience, there's a difference between the two, the client is the micro, of who you want. And the audience is the macro. Right? Meaning, the specifics. And the bigger picture. So


Catharine O'Leary: this just to be clear, just to backup. So this is this is a this is what you do is you help entrepreneurs, with their businesses as they are scaling up to hit a million dollars,


a million dollars. Okay, exactly. Oh, I forgot the token we forgot. So the number is with working with me, within two years, you're gonna make a million dollars, right? I forgot. I didn't say that, because we set it off.


Catharine O'Leary: Well, and that's what I mean. I mean, this is where the for everyone out there that's like, this is where the danger is, when you when you start, like, you know, interviewing friends that you know really well, is that I know all about the law. I don't know all about the program. It's new. But I know what Martin does. So it's sometimes easy


to skip ahead. Forgot to add one word, guaranteed, guaranteed


Catharine O'Leary: that one $1 million, guaranteed in two years. And it is basically the worrier to warrior, you know, foundational kind of live your life, you know, abundantly are incredibly full every day. Yeah. And so people come in come in, and they have a business, right? So your idea you like people that would be best for this,


someone who's got a program or a business that they're trying to figure out how to make it work, how to make it sell how to make it scalable? Yeah. And they're out there in the thick, they're doing everything, right, if for some reason the sales are not coming in, it just hasn't all clicked. It's not necessarily on you. But it's on the way you're doing things. And it's about retraining your mind to find the right way to do things. And that's what the program does. And I add my own personal course into it, the warrior to Warrior course, as a side thing for them to work on their mindset as they're going through it. So that this way, they got that going on too, because we all have blocks going on. And sometimes we need someone else to show us that there was a clearing through the block.


Catharine O'Leary: So for those people that have a business started, that are, you know, have courses, have products have services, whatever it is, and are at that point where you've probably taken a lot of courses, and you've done all the things and you're just kind of tired of flipping through to the next thing because you need to settle down and start, like start putting stuff on paper, like start as a start with like, you know, with your, with your visual map and your you know, your ideal client and then moving into, you know, scaling and right systems and so on. That's when they've come to you to say, okay, you know what I want to be in the mindset, like, I don't want to discount the mindset, it's a very different mindset to go from six figures, you know, to get to six figures, or multiple, six figures, moving to seven figures is a whole different game. It


is, and you got to have the mindset that you want to put out a high ticket offer, for two reasons. One, that's where the money is. Yeah, to, it's okay to value yourself to those numbers. A lot of people are in that mindset of, Am I really worth that? And the answer is 99% of the time. Yes, you are.


Catharine O'Leary: And it's probably a structure thing, or a you know, you just haven't looked at it a certain way, which is why I love the group conversation because you get other people's opinions like you, you can't read your own label, because you're inside the bottle. Right? And other people like telling you oh my god, no, I would love that. Or if he just said it this way, or I don't understand, you know what you're talking about? Then you get the you get the help. So yeah, perfect.


Yep. So I know the audience can't see it. But I figured I'd let you see it as we're going through it. So I want to go through the different five stages of what they would get. Okay, when they're with us. Okay. So step one, the finish line is you have an abundant life, self assessment, and more life and more profit roadmap figured out, we sit down with you, and we go through each one of these things, and understand and the prices, you have a clear vision of what living in abundant life will be for you. And you're confident in getting an additional seven figures of sales in your business. So this is basically the foundation, you've got to have the foundation, you've got to have the roadmap because you can't just throw stuff on the wall. Right? And say, Okay, I hope I do this and things will happen. So that's what stage one I call Ignite. All right, stage two, I call unleash huge generate. So we help you to start now by generating $50,000 in sales in your new high ticket offer. And your abundant life assessment score has increased personally, on a personal level by at least 30%. Because what we're doing here is helping you on both levels in your business. And then you have a personal life by helping you feel good about what you're doing and feel good about moving forward. And the prizes, you have accelerated your journey to become an abundant entrepreneur, and have more life along the way. So in that first one, we help you set up the things to figure out who's your right fit audience, where you're going with it, what's your blueprint, and then we help you validate it. Imagine knowing that the program before you start spending any money on it, and we try to do it mostly organically, you know that it's going to sell by validating it in advance. How's that sound? Sounds great. All right, cool. And then we get the stage three, we start for your business, we help you set up a strategic philanthropy workshop, that we help and we completely do it for you. It's a three to four hour workshop. And it's not we don't like to use the word webinar. And the reason we do it philanthropically, is because we found that when you give a free workshop, people don't come. But if you charge them $27, they come. And if even if you give them a code, a promo code, to spend the dollar, they'll come, they'll pay more people will come for $1 than they come for free. And we make it where it goes to a philanthropic. So if I'm doing a workshop, I don't get any money, the money goes to something philanthropic. So they even feel better about themselves. And we help you build it. So now, that's the finish line. In stage three, the stage three prize, you now have an amazing, amazing lead conversion machine, ready to inspire your white fit client to join your journey of transformation. That's catapult. That was number three. Number four is empower for your business, the finish line is for your business, you have the right people in the right roles, and you've generated your first 25 workshop attendees for your life. You've incorporated three abundant life strategies to increase your enjoyment of life, and feeling freedom in your new lifestyle. And the stage for price and your business, you can confidently take off seven days off in a row without checking in on the business. And it's still evolving.


Catharine O'Leary: I know I know, the entrepreneurs out there thinking a whole week off like holy, like that'd be a lot. Yeah,


without and you're not doing anything and the business is still growing. That's personally your vision and also your your bracing the freedom of being a visionary and your leader business in your in your business while and trusting the daily management of your team to the right people in the right roles. And that's where the scaling comes in. Yep. All right. And then that's empower. And stage five is scale, we continue to scale. Because now you've generated a million dollars in sales. And you're abundant life scores are great eight to 10, eight out of 10 on most of you're like the Wheel of Life type of thing. And you're living a healthy life, abundant life, you're experiencing deep, profound quality of life. And then, once you get it, you know how many millionaires I've heard, say, the hardest, the hardest number I made was my million after that. It was easy. Yeah, we're gonna set you up. So it's, you do the work for the million, you set yourself up where you do, you stay in your zone of genius, right, and you have other people around you who are smarter in that area, doing what they know how to do for two reasons. One, they're smarter. And two, you don't want to do it, you're wasting your time, not doing what you should be doing. And


Catharine O'Leary: this is this is key for those solopreneurs out there. And, you know, like, it's easy to think that you you're the only one that can do it. You don't have the time to train somebody you don't like this data. I think those are just excuses and barriers to to growing. Because if you if you really needed to grow, you would. So


for me, I talk about that. And I'll show you some of virtualized, I talked about that you're rationalizing. Yeah, that to me rationalize is really two words. Rational lies. Yeah. When you make those excuses, it's you being giving yourself a lie to say it's rational that I'm not doing this in this in this in this. But it's nothing more than a lie. You're giving yourself permission not to do what you should be doing. And


Catharine O'Leary: that's part of the mindset. That is that's critical on that and, and that weaves through the entire program that you're talking about.


Exactly, exactly. It's weave through the entire program and on each Should we'll have a conversation about what you learned, because I have videos that there'll be watching as well, and sharing with the group so that everybody can learn and grow together. Awesome.


Catharine O'Leary: Well, it sounds like a great program, I love the fact that it's it's basically, you know, pay as you get results. So you, you know, you don't, you're not out of pocket, like a lot of programs where, you know, if it doesn't work, or you don't get the help that you need, or the accountability and so on that, you know, you still paid the money and you got nothing to show for it. How can people learn more about the program and about you, Martin.


So what we can do is, there's two ways I can give you a link to my Calendly. Or they can go to connect with martin.com, scroll down and find the link to make an appointment to speak with me. So it's connected martin.com, where they can go to the link that I'll give you, which will take them directly to my Calendly to make an appointment to talk about becoming one of the first ones in the group. As I grow, this is going to get even better. And I already have a team around me that helping me scale. So I'm doing most of this stuff here. And I have my team who I love doing stuff that I don't know how to do building my website, building my my slide decks and stuff like that. Perfect.


Catharine O'Leary: Okay, well, thank you so much, Martin, I will make sure to put those two links into the show notes. I appreciate you coming on and sharing all the wisdom and this new program is it's basically a risk reversal program. And it guarantees results so I'm guaranteed $1 million by the end of two years. So you if you want, if you want that, you know Martin Martin's first talk too. So thank you, Martin, and to everyone listening today. Thank you for joining in again and we will connect again next week. Thanks

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Catharine O'Leary

Catharine O'Leary is an economist, entrepreneur, and investor who is passionate about helping businesses grow. She is also the quiz queen, always asking the best questions to attract the best clients for her clients.

Catharine has spent the last 25 years perfecting her market research and consumer insights expertise in the corporate world. Now she is motivated by helping others apply innovative marketing strategies that make it easier for your ideal clients to find you. Especially if you are a speakers, podcaster, author, or coach!