Episode 14

Connect Colors to Cash with Amy Janece

Welcome to another exciting episode of Kickstart the Conversation! In Episode 14, we have the pleasure of hosting Amy Janece, a renowned Image Consultant and Stylist, who will take us on a colorful journey to success.

Amy emphasizes the significance of feeling comfortable and confident in what you wear. Not only does it enhance your personal style, but it also enables others to see you as a trustworthy expert in your field. As you present yourself with confidence and offer your services, people will naturally have faith in your abilities.

Discover the power of being confident and present, as Amy reveals how it can make you a dominant force on the stages you speak on and significantly increase your conversion rates when closing sales. It's all about unleashing your inner charisma and making a lasting impression.

But wait, there's more! Amy introduces the concept of understanding your color patterns based on the elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. This unique approach to styling goes beyond simple warm versus cool colors. By considering your personality and physical traits, you can align your style with your true self and radiate confidence in your image.

Amy is here to equip entrepreneurs with the essential image tools needed to be seen and heard in the business world. Get ready to attract your ideal clients and convert with ease, all while feeling comfortable and confident.

Join us in Episode 14 of Kickstart the Conversation as we unlock the secrets to connecting colors to cash with the brilliant Amy Janece. Don't forget to share this episode with fellow entrepreneurs and style enthusiasts.

Let's rock the world with our confident and captivating presence!

About the Guest:

Amy Janece is an Image Consultant specializing in helping coaches, speakers, authors, experts, and other professionals to look and feel like a million bucks so they can make a million bucks.

As a best-selling author and speaker, she realized how important it is for people to see you, trust you, and connect with you in order to make the impact you set out to make. That only happens when you have that same trust and connection with yourself.

When Amy Janece discovered her element and embodied it, something shifted inside, and she doubled her income. She wants to help you frame the masterpiece that you are so that you can experience the same thing.

Amy has gifted the Kickstart the Conversation Audience with

The 3 secrets to look and feel great!

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Take this FREE 60-second Quiz to Find Out: quizformybiz.com.

About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.


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Catharine O'Leary:

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to kickstart the conversation where we are talking about all things magnetizing your leads, monetizing your lists and leveraging your relationships, to build and scale your business. And I am so so excited today to have my guest on the show today because I talk with, with you all about, you know, branding and showing getting, you know, putting your best foot forward and speaking and speaking to sell and how quiz can can relate and integrate with all of that, but none of that is actually going to resonate as well, if you're not comfortable in your own skin. And if you're not comfortable in the way that you're presenting yourself in the in the image that you are actually you know, presenting to the world. So in your branding photos on your website, when you're speaking and when you're on videos, whether it's Facebook Lives, and so on knowing what to wear and knowing how to put your outfits together was a challenge for me, in particular, and something I mean, I went to Catholic school, we had uniforms, like you know, like I didn't have to worry about it. So I kind of skipped the part where you know, you learn how to you know, kind of have a fashion sense. And not until I met somebody that does colors. And you know, the way that that my guest is going to start talking about it today. Changed my business changed my confidence level on stage. And I'm telling you right now, it will change yours too. And I am so happy to have one of my one of my favorite people on the planet with me today. Amy Janece. Amy, thank you so much. Welcome to kickstart the conversation.

Amy Janece:

Thank you, Catharine, that was one of the sweetest and best intros I've ever had. I love it. Thank you.

Catharine O'Leary:

So can you tell us and tell us a little bit? I mean, you and I have worked together and a couple of different times. So tell us a little bit about why. You know, the colors matter why the and it's more than color. So tell us tell us a little bit about what you're doing. How you got here and like why why my my kickstart the conversation folks need to, to sit up and pay attention, not just because it's so.

Amy Janece:

So I mean, that's a great reason on it's, that was like a loaded three part question. So, for lack of a better term, I am an image consultant stylist. But most people when they think of that they think of, you know, really thin tall supermodels on a runway, you know, wearing the latest fashions that's or Saks Fifth Avenue or those kinds of things. That's not how I am or who I am. I also use a different system that many people have not heard of to type someone for lack of a better term. A lot of people are familiar with, like being typed by the seasons, right? Like you would hear, especially in the late 90s, early 2000s Oh, I'm a winter I'm a fall. We don't use that system, we type of elements. And it goes deeper than just your hair, skin and eye color. You know, warm and cool tones. It's more than that. We look at the shape of your facial features, even the shape of your toes, if it gets down that far, your core characteristics who you are and how you show up how you were as a child, because a lot of times through conditioning or trauma, we take on characteristics that maybe aren't fully who we are. But that's who we learned to be to get through life or fulfill the roles that we fulfill. So we look at even as far back as childhood. And then we type by the elements. So we use earth, water, air and fire orders convey and put out. So we have foundational colors, those are your colors that resonate, give you power let you stand grounded, we have dynamic colors. If you're presenting on stage, you want all eyes on you, you want to be that authority, you were a dynamic color. And trust me attention is on you like that. If you want to relax calm day, and you just you don't want all that extra energy around you, maybe you're tired, maybe you just want to take a day off, you want to wear one of your tranquil colors, because that brings you that that just brings the energy just calm, not down in a negative sense, but calm. So I work with my clients and teach them all of these things. The reason it's important is because when you feel good, that resonates from the inside out. And that's also goes back to the way that I style my clients. I'm not going to put you in something that I think looks absolutely fabulous on you. But it kind of highlights your insecurity area, or you don't feel great in it. Because if you don't feel great, you're not going to look as great. I can think you look amazing. But if you're not comfortable, that's still going to show in your body language and your tone in all kinds of other things. So my primary focus is making sure you're comfortable and making sure you show up the way that resonates and is authentic within You. And when you show up confident, and you are just completely good with who you are, what you're wearing, you look great, you feel great. Other people are going to be drawn and magnetized to you. Most of us were black. Both of us are not because we know better. Black only actually looks good on about 15% of people. But we're, you know, told by the fashion industry, it's thinning or slimming. It looks great on everyone. It goes with everything. What it's actually doing, if you're not in that 15% of people is it's like putting on an invisible cloak. So like me standing on stage going, see me connect with me? Don't you see me? Don't forget who I am. I'm blocking that. So you're not able to fully connect with me? Because I'm not in alignment with who I am. The answer to your questions.

Catharine O'Leary:

I was just gonna say so this is really important because I wore black all the time, and I am a water and waters do not wear black. And I thought it would I didn't know if it was slimming so much. But I think I think it's like the misconception is that it's slimming is because it does make you feel invisible, or you become like people can't see you. And this is something that I really want to make sure that the listeners understand is that the colors that you wear, and so on, and how you connect to people is how you sell and how you like so if you are, you know, not the 15% that can be wearing black, you're actually hurting your profitability. And you know, like Amy can can tell you that, you know, like someone is wearing within their colors is going to actually see an uptake in their conversion rates on to speak to sales stage and somebody that's not wearing their colors. That's actually I've seen that happen in law like in in in real time. So, you know, you want to make sure that you are putting your best foot forward, but you want to be sure that you're being seen for the right reasons, not because you're wearing something too loud, not because you're you know, not being seen because you're not wearing something, or you're wearing something that's kind of making you invisible, but because what you're wearing is just, it's just who you are. And it's not even like it becomes a non issue, even though it's a big issue. Does that make sense?

Amy Janece:

Absolutely. It's an alignment thing. Yes. So when I say it goes deeper than simply what we're wearing, it really is the inside out process. And it's something that you said, I actually say, connect colors to cash, because it does. It's part of it. When you when you learn your element, and you look at the core characteristics that maybe you have not been embracing, maybe you've been kind of pushing off to the side, when you're not fully stepping into who you are, there's going to be a subconscious block, because you're trying to hide something. And other people pick up on that. It's usually subconsciously, it's usually a minute, but it's still there. It's like that nagging little thing. And when you learn your element. When people get to this point, they're just ready. They're ready to step into it. They're ready to be like, You know what, let me shed everything else. Let me give myself permission to be exactly who I am, who I'm meant to be and share my gifts. Because our gifts are what we're sharing, right? The money is a tool. It's just a it's a tool. That's all it is. Do we want more of it? Of course, it's a tool that we can make other things happen. I look at it as a tool. I believe everything has energy colors definitely have energy. So as you said, when your wardrobe is in alignment with who you are, you don't have to think twice about what to wear or is it gonna look right? Most of us only wear 20% of what's in our closet. But that's because we don't really feel right in it because it's probably not I wear all black and gray. Mostly Gray. I showed up like a water. I was very you know, not very indecisive. Very go with the flow very like Oh, whatever. I don't care. soft spoken. I thought it was a water and I wanted to be a water because I wanted to keep my wardrobe. I'm a fire. What was water due to fire. I was literally putting myself out. And now that I'm like, oh, okay, this, this is who I am. So my journey on how I got here. The the first question that you asked me that I didn't get to yet. A couple of years ago, I attended the speakers retreat. I was not a speaker. I became a speaker that weekend. I was there simply to support another friend who was a luminary at the event. And they said, oh, there's a image consultant. You're gonna love her and she's gonna change your life. And I was like, Yeah, whatever. I don't need that. However, I did meet with her and I did let her tight me because to back up just a little bit for over 20 years I've been a ghostwriter, freelance writer copywriter always behind the scenes. Yeah. I have just published my first novel in my own name. So I had just put My name out there and put myself out there in a big way. That was very new to me. It was very vulnerable. So when this lady gave the presentation, one of the images caught my eye. And it's a picture of Mona Lisa with a bright green border, like this lime green border. And she asked, what's the first thing you see most of us see that border first, unless we think too deep about it, because we know the Mona Lisa. Then she shows another image with like the brassy, deep, tarnished gold brain. And then you see her face, because the frame is just congruent. So that image got me. I talked to her, she taught me she said, I'm a fire. I said, there's absolutely no way I'm a fire. I don't like those colors. I'm not wearing those colors. I don't want to be a fire. And she said, No, you're a fire. And I was like, No, I'm not. So I'll wear the colors to prove her wrong. Guess what, that's a very fiery trait. I'm usually when I set out to prove someone wrong, I proved them wrong. Like, without doubt without fail. And I don't really do that very often. That's usually when I'm, you know, really solid in something. Except I didn't prove her wrong and prove myself wrong. And when I embodied my element, and I stepped into it, man, my life changed. And I realized when I speak about it, I probably sound a little bit crazy. And that's okay, because I would have thought the same thing about myself two years ago. But my income more than doubled my relationships with family, friends, clients, colleagues, they deepened, I was seen in a way I had never been seen before, by strangers, by people already knew by business people, by prospective clients. And things shifted in such an incredible way like this, this business what I do now, I have no intention of doing this. My friends noticed the changes in me. My mother is in the coaching industry business. She's a business coach, actually on disability. And I gifted her the services of the same consultant. And at first before she knew I gifted it to her, she was like, Yeah, I'm not going to do this, you know, wait, toggles, wait, wait till I do this. Wait, so whatever. And I threw her words back at her because that's what every good daughter would do. Um, you taught me you're supposed to love yourself just the way you are. So what are you denying by not loving yourself now. And she begrudgingly took the call with the image consultant. By the end of the call, the image consultant told her well, then you already paid for it. So let's do this. So, long story short, she got typed, the change in her was amazing. The change in her business was amazing. She had a colleague that worked with her for over 20 years. She's on Zoom calls all the time, she's hosting a summit. And this man actually owns a company that she's contracted with right now, for the first time in 20 years. He said, What did you do to your hair, something you look amazing. She blushed and smiled like a giddy little five year old girl. She's like he's never said anything before. So she's seen in a different way, she shows up in a different way. My girlfriend's kind of watching all of this. They're like, I need to be tight. So I got certified to type people just to help out a couple of friends. Just wanted to make my investment back. And now I have business. But a big part of it is because I see the transformations. And that's it's beautiful to me. Because when you watch people step into their being, and then help their clients more, and show up more for their family. This works for men too. But I'm going to speak specifically about women for a minute. Women tend to have so many conflicting roles. Were mothers were daughters were wives were sisters were aunts, were CEOs were podcasters were whatever we are, we have all these different roles. Usually they're conflicting. And usually we're trying to be the Superwoman and be great to all these things. And we neglect ourselves. So we get fragments of ourselves. And at some point, we have to stop and be like, well, we don't have to, but I highly, highly advise us if you weren't there, stop and look at yourself, and love yourself where you are. And think about how else you can serve yourself. Because when you serve yourself, man, you can serve everybody else better. But it also gives you permission to say no, it is so okay to say no to the parts of your life that are no longer serving you. I mean, you can't really get rid of your kids. They're here. Don't do that. They're not returnable, but everything else like if if your career is not resonating with you, if your business is even if your business is wide, wildly successful, but it just isn't bringing you that joy. What's gonna bring you that joy? Yeah, because when you serve yourself first, you're able to serve everybody and everything around you. And a part of that is being in full alignment, giving yourself permission to be exactly who you were born to be. I'm feisty. And as I tried to hide that part of me and tried to just go with the flow instead, it was eating out Me, and it was coming out in very passive aggressive, non healthy ways. Now, I mean, sometimes people say I'm harsh, but I'm going to tell you like it is. I mean, what I say I say what I mean. And I'm here and you know what, everybody's not going to resonate with me. And that's cool. Because I don't resonate with everybody else, either. I don't believe in competition, in the sense of, you're taking my clients. Now, if we're in the middle of like, a sporting event, or a card game, or something like that, oh, competitions on, but outside of those arenas, competition doesn't exist to me, I believe in collaboration. Because if I'm trying to be better than you, none of our clients are being served. Right? Right. Even if we do the exact same thing. But if we, I serve the people who resonate with me, you serve the ones who resonate with you, we encourage each other, we celebrate each other's gifts, all of our light, shine brighter, and we can really make a bigger impact. So all that magnetism is there, if you allow it to be,

Catharine O'Leary:

yeah, I love I love that. And we talk, we talk a lot on this on this podcast about magnetizing your leads, and I can't, I can't stress enough how much easier it is to magnetize the leads that you want to be working with when you are in alignment with yourself. And I say that all the time. And hey, look, I'm a hardcore economist, I'm hardcore analytical. And I have seen this work. Myself, it's worked for me. And, and, you know, there's a reason why, you know, Hollywood stars have image consultants, there's a reason why CEOs, like every CEO I worked for I had an image consultant, including Steve Jobs at one point in time. So you know, like, it's, it's, it's not, it's not just for the fashion industry, is actually for anyone who is ready to really embrace their whole self and be three 360. And go forward in your, in your business, in your career in your life. You know, with your kids showing up as that role model and, and that business leader. And knowing that you can do it. The other thing that I particularly love, because I do a lot of speaking and I do a lot of traveling, is that since I've been able to do this, I can get away with almost all my trips being in his carry on case, because everything goes with everything else. So you, you end up with a wardrobe that you wear, and you're not wasting money on a bunch of stuff that look good, you know, in the store, and then you get it home and you don't have anything to go with it. Or it wasn't quite what you thought or, you know, those kinds of things. So definitely the, you know, the magnetization of, you know, getting people to come to you and see you see you when you're on stage and not, you know, you know, kind of fade into the background. That's massive. So Amy, thank you for your genius on this.

Amy Janece:

Absolutely. Thank you. So one of the other things that I say as far as being images, consultants, stylists is just for lack of a better term at this point. When people think of that word, they typically think of, you know, the runway models and all of that, right. But that's not at all what I do. I mean, if you're into high fashion, latest, you know, trends and all that we can, we can work with that within your colors. But I look at who you are, how you show up what you do, what your business is, what your personal style is, we look at all of that, because if you're not comfortable, it's going to come across.

Catharine O'Leary:

And this is not about having a big huge wardrobe budget either, right? I know that, that we've gone on shopping trips to, you know, like to the consignment stores, and you can find some great stuff, but I don't have the patience to do it on my own. Which is why I have to go with like somebody like Amy because I go with Amy and she like picks out what I need, I go try it on. I love it and then I leave it's fantastic. But like we're not talking about having like all the money in the world to have an image consultant that's not what we're talking about. I'm talking about the tools that you need to be visible in the you know, in the entrepreneurial space, which is going to be video it's going to be pictures and it's going to be probably speaking on stage and night you know for your quizzes you have a video at the end of your quiz that I strongly suggest being you yourself on video and that's going to convert a lot better if you're in alignment. So So Amy, we've got like a couple more minutes here. I just wanted to you know did you did you maybe have a surprise for my guests or for my for my peeps?

Amy Janece:

I do so I have a gift three secrets silicone feel great. The link, you have the link you can drop it below the video. And I might even put this in there but if not, that's fine. There are four colors that everyone can wear their universal colors. Black is not one of them, but I just share two okay. It's not one of them. Nope, not black, eggplant and teal. So like if you're, if you're planning to speak and you don't know your element and you don't know your colors, eggplant or teal, those are good options. If you're planning group family photo type things, those are great options for the colors if you want to coordinate. But the key piece of everything is being in alignment and feeling good and feeling confident with who you are. Because that comes across. So be comfortable, be confident, there are levels to it. As Catherine said, you don't have to be a billionaire to afford services. I have a variety of packages starting from basic let me show you how to do this. Let me type you to Oh, you want me to send you clothes every month we can do that to ultimate VIP package you want me to fly to you go through your closet, take you shopping get new headshots, I bring my photographer I have that too. So it depends on the level of what you want. But it do something, do something for you. Because showing yourself this love giving yourself permission to be in alignment with who you are, is going to change your world from the inside out. You're worth it. Please love yourself where you are. And man Grow Your Business help people do all the things.

Catharine O'Leary:

Excellent. Well, thank you so much, Amy. And just you know, just to note, so eggplant and teal. And this is for both men and women. Those two colors will work on any type. So you know if you've got a photo coming up and you don't know what to wear, either eggplant or teal will work. And again for both men and women so I'm going to close this off here. Amy, thank you so much for jumping on and and talking with us and to all my kickstart the conversation peeps. Thank you so much for listening, and I can't wait to talk to you again next week. Bye.

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Kickstart the Conversation
Leads, Lists, and Leverage

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Catharine O'Leary

Catharine O'Leary is an economist, entrepreneur, and investor who is passionate about helping businesses grow. She is also the quiz queen, always asking the best questions to attract the best clients for her clients.

Catharine has spent the last 25 years perfecting her market research and consumer insights expertise in the corporate world. Now she is motivated by helping others apply innovative marketing strategies that make it easier for your ideal clients to find you. Especially if you are a speakers, podcaster, author, or coach!