Episode 33

Masterminds Unleashed: Unlocking Your Soul Niche: Aligning Business with Your Unique Frequency with Eugenia Oganova

In this captivating episode, Eugenia Oganova and Catharine O'Leary dive deep into the world of soul-led businesses and high-ticket offers. They explore the importance of aligning your business with your inner vision and understanding your unique frequency. Eugenia emphasizes the significance of embodying your expertise and maintaining a resonant frequency that attracts your ideal clients. Learn why rushing to market without inner alignment or overthinking your strategy can hinder your success. Discover the essential components of a successful high-ticket offer and why aligning your business with your soul niche is the key to unlocking your full potential. Don't miss this insightful discussion on finding your power, connecting with your ideal clients, and taking your business to new heights.

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About the Guest:

Eugenia Oganova is a distinguished International Business Soul Strategist, Marketing Energetics Coach, and Transcension Mentor with an impressive 20-year track record. As a self-made millionaire, Eugenia's expertise lies in empowering female Coaches & Healers to harness their unique inner magic for sustainable scaling into multi-6 and 7-figure businesses.

Eugenia's groundbreaking approach facilitates monthly revenue increases ranging from $10,000 to $50,000, all without the need for overworking. Her methodology revolves around aligning one's business with their individual Soul Design Strategy. She is the brilliant mind behind the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method, which seamlessly fuses "masculine/linear" Business Strategy with "feminine/non-linear" Quantum Energetics.

Eugenia's unique methodology empowers coaches to effortlessly attract ideal clients who willingly pay premium prices, eliminating the need for relentless pursuit. Her extraordinary abilities, including clairvoyance and neurodivergence, further enhance her coaching, ensuring her clients receive holistic support encompassing both solid business strategies and profound personal insights.





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About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.


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Catharine O'Leary: Hey everyone, and it's Catharine O'Leary here your host of kickstart conversation. I am excited to have you back with us and I am very excited to have our guest, Eugenia, on our podcast here. She is an international business soul strategist, marketing energetics coach and trends ascension mentor. She's got 20 years of experience. She has been featured in over 100 networks and publications and is a self made millionaire. She specializes in helping female coaches and healers leverage their unique badass inner magic, which I love to sustainably scale into multi six and seven figures. And her process helps them add 10 to $50,000 per month without forcing themselves to work harder, which I also love by aligning their business with a unique soul design strategy. So welcome to the program. I am so happy. So

Eugenia Oganova:

So I'm glad to be here. And can you tell us a little bit more about being a business sole strategist and marketing energetics? Coach? Yeah, tell us a little bit more about what what that entails. It entails aligning your business to what you're actually meant to do in this lifetime. So instead of looking at the business, just from the material standpoint, as an as a thing to make money, I look at it more like if you are a coach, you probably have a mission, you probably have something to say you're probably doing it for a higher reason than just money. And you probably deeply deeply care about your clients. So putting all of that into the business and into the business strategies to actually help it generate income is kind of what my work is about. It's uniting the masculine business strategy, which is the marketing, the messaging, the delivery of the offers, like all of that with feminine side, which I use quantum energetics I use sort of your internal alignments and figuring out your natural rhythm and what actually works for you as far as like So your business is wrapped around you instead of you accommodating your business. And that's what so many people do, they start a business and then get trapped in it. Because they've they've created this monster that they are now almost shackled by, and they've not created it in a way that is soul based. Exactly. And that's and that's what you help people do. And that's I love this idea of uniting the masculine and feminine because I do believe that a lot of what we've seen in the past is especially kind of the last, say 10 years, or maybe five years of online business. It's a lot of the the masculine the very messaging, the sales, the push energy almost. And I do believe that it's it's starting to shift a little bit. And the need for that feminine energy is really starting to come through and people are really looking for it is that is that fair to say? In your Yeah, and I think that the people tend to go into extremes, either like all masculine all, like stats and getting the, you know, lead gen working with all the numbers and everything. And it's sort of like an endless hustle that feels really, I think damaging for women, or it's all energetics. It's all just about abundance and manifesting and like sitting there and meditating and somehow hoping the clients will show up, which we know doesn't work. So in my view is both sides that are actually needed. And they have to be interwoven correctly. And what determines the correctness of it is the customizing it for each person based on their soul design based on sort of like their inner workings. So that way, you are using the strategy. And there are plenty of solid business strategies, but the right ones for you. There's nothing wrong with many of the strategies, it just they might not work for you if your energetics and your design is not natural for those strategies. So doing like two three things that are right for you instead of 200 things and hoping something will work out. That's one side of that approach. And another side is utilizing the well Synergetics as in human psychology as in the interactive pathways that are nonlinear. You know, we know that in business, not everything is linear, you can put a video up now and somebody next year could come to you raving about that very video on wanting to become your client. But when you did the video originally, maybe there was just two people that liked it. So like we understand that nonlinear side, but there is a way to actually capitalize on that if you understand how the energetics work. So again, understanding these principles and then weaving them into one's marketing into one's message into one's delivery of the offers, but mainly into one's presence. So then you become the energy vortex that kind of acts like a magnet that's also armed with battled tested business strategy. So you're not just sitting there meditating, you're literally doing the business side, but you're doing it in a way that fits you.

Eugenia Oganova:

Catharine O'Leary: And so I talk a lot about marketing strategies because there's 100 million ways to you know, Don't market your business, but aligning with what lights you up aligning with what you'd love to do. So if you'd love to be on podcast be on more podcasts, if you'd love to be on video, be more videos, that's great. If you love to be on social media, I'm not one of those people, I'm flat out, like, you know, admit that. So I don't spend a lot of time on posting, because it's just not something that I like to do, my energy is not there. So if I force myself to do it, I feel like it's out of balance, or it's just it's, it's, it feels like it's forced. So you really want to make sure that you're aligning with what you love to do. And it still needs to, you know, you still need to have those business metrics behind you still needs to, you know, can't be smoke signals, it has to still actually market your business. So maybe you can talk a little bit more about, you know, we spend all this time with these messaging and these marketing strategies. And you know, despite our best efforts, they do fail or the offers tend to just, you know, they just don't sell, I would assume that that's some sort of a misalignment. Is that right?

Eugenia Oganova:

Right. And a lot of times, it's there a few things that could be wrong in that pathway as to why one thing could be the offer. Usually, if the offer is not positioned correctly in the marketplace, if it's not actually like Hell yeah, kind of an offer, then it will be much harder to sell even if your marketing is perfect. Another part is, let's say the offer is great. You have clients that gone through it, they have great results, there's no problem with the offer, then how are you talking about the offer? So that would be the messaging? Like, are you clear on your methodology? Do you actually have a system? Or are you just kind of like randomly saying that I'm great, come work with me, I'm gonna like help you with something. So understanding what is it that you do, fully? Owning that value, and being able to clearly articulate the value of your work in a way that connects directly to the heart and mind of your ideal client to the point that they feel like you're talking to them, you're in their head, you're like, totally resonating with what the conversation they already having inside their mind. That's the message that then needs to sell that offer. And there's a third part, in my view is the embodiment. Because if you show up and you're in a desperate energy, like how do I get the next client, I hope this is going to work out? Am I doing this right? Following the script? Am I doing the right? None of that is going to sell your over even if your messaging wording is correct, or the offer is awesome. So it's still a combination of these three factors. So if we put that together, it would look like okay, I know what I'm doing with my clients. I'm an expert, I get good results. This is my offer. Now I go through this kind of a system, how do I talk about what I do in my offer in a way that's not talking about me, I do this, I do this by talking about what they want and how they need to hear it. So utilizing something that continuing their conversation, not just giving them new terms. You don't want to be educating your audience all the time, you want to already be speaking to the ones who mostly educated and then you're just opening up clearing up misconceptions and giving them new solutions. And then are you doing this in a way that you present yourself confidently? Not like perfectly. I don't mean that not necessarily, like always saying everything right? Never missing up. And like how you said it or looking perfect, like not that nobody needs that you can be any way you want to be. But it has to be on brand for your energetics. So in my view that always goes back to Are you relaxed? Do you feel satisfied and kind of like sexy and being yourself? Like, you're cool, you're you? And are you internally at peace? Because if instead you're trying to get somewhere, you're kind of like frantic inside, you're desperate are you feeling not good enough and all those things, that's insecurity that energetically acts as a repellent. Instead of creating a vortex that's magnetizing. Even with perfect messaging, it's still going to create essentially a repellent and then people look at you and go, Oh, that's great. But you know, I don't get it or it's not for me. So we of course want to always show up with the right energy. And that means looking for a vision or having a clear vision as to where you're going, why you're doing what you're doing and where are you leading your client. So like in my whole philosophy of promoting your offer is not about hammering on the pain points. I don't believe in that. I think that's too masculine. And I think that that's been overdone. My view on that is vision based marketing. Like we look at where they want to be, we look at the aspirational identity of a potential client, and that naturally brings you into high ticket market, like the type of offers that I work with would be like 10,000 20,000 30,000 50,000 100,000 Those are different types of offers. They not just more zeros added to $5,000 offer and now it's 50 $1,000 Or like, it doesn't work like that. Because obviously we want to be in integrity. It's literally providing a service to a higher level. But that also means elevating yourself to that level. That means speaking from that place, that means delivering the message from that place. That means speaking to people who are at that level, one of the biggest mistakes I see people make is that they try to speak to the lower level market while they're trying to sell a higher ticket offer. And then they wondering, Well, why is it that on all the sales calls, nobody can afford me or nobody even gets what I'm saying, or they all get, like shocked at, oh, this is a sales call, I thought it was a free session? Well, that's because you're speaking to the lower level market. So understanding that little adjustment to make there as to who you're speaking to, so that you are speaking to your soul niche, that's where you truly get the benefit of your marketing working for you.

Eugenia Oganova:

Catharine O'Leary: Okay, it's so many golden nuggets in there, I can hardly even my head's gonna explode. But let's let's go into the soul niche a little bit. So we talked a little bit what I call it is is aligning with a 3am question. So you really need to get into your ideal clients, headspace, the 3am they're waking up, they're jarring awake, they're like, ah, what do I need in their language? So you know, we need to get it into our ideal clients. But we need to get into ourselves to as to why we're doing this and what we are they know what's what's not in it for us. But what are we what are we trying to create? And And what's our vision for it? Because that's what's going to keep us going through when the roller coaster goes down, which it will I mean, it always does. But the soul niche intrigues me. So talk talk a little bit more about the soul nation, how to figure out who your who's in your soul niche.

Eugenia Oganova:

Okay, so this is going to be a little bit in the energy, it takes departments sort of away from the traditional marketing strategy. The way I look at it is that when you are in your power, so like if you imagine like, Okay, this is like me working with my most awesome client, I'm feeling good, I'm feeling confident, I'm satisfied, I'm sexy, I'm on peace, like, everything is good. This is like, I don't need to learn it, I don't check myself like, I know I got this, when you're in that place, you have a frequency, there's a certain vibration. If you imagine yourself as an antenna, that vibration now resonates out of you into space around you, before you incarnated into this lifetime, whatever belief system you have, before you got into this body, when you were up there with God as a soul, when you got here, you brought in a gift you brought in something, and that universe that we're in is a pretty efficient place, it's not going to put you on this planet with an amazing gift and not give you somebody who needs the gift, because then what was the purpose of giving you the gift in the first place. So that means that you also come in with pre installed energy contracts for the people who are meant to be your clients. So back to the frequency thing I was saying just a moment ago, when you come in and you bring your gift and you fully own your gift, you vibrate at certain frequency. There are human beings on this planet right now who need that frequency and you are the antenna they looking for, in order to come in and get the resonance and whatever skill technique whatever else that you actually do on a material scale to help them. So our job from the standpoint of a soul lead business when you are fully conscious. And what you're doing and you're generating income and you're selling high ticket offers, is to one fully embody your frequency, your gift, whatever that means for you so that you are vibrating as that awesome antenna that is radiating your magic. And at the same time, whatever you're speaking to needs to be speaking to the people who are already pre sold on the idea that that is what they need. And this is the little adjustment that actually can like shortcut years ahead for you. Because most of the time people speak to lower level audience and educating that audience. Why would they do is even needed, like educating on the concept educating kind of like, if you working with somebody who let's say you help them internally, speak with confidence, don't educate the audience for why you need to be speaking why speaking with confidence is better than speaking without confidence. Like that's a frequency that's not at the vibrational level of your gift. Because if your gift is so unique that you take somebody who already pretty good speaker and you make them magnificent, well then speak to people who already got the idea that they want to be great speakers and now all they need is okay, how do I get there? And then you step in, so your soul niche, it's the people who need your resonance, and in order to activate that you need to be within your power gift, resonance, and you need to maintain that frequency in your message. So when you're writing the post, don't slide down into Oh, I hope they like it or whatever. Notice like check up Am I over educating? am I teaching instead of actually promoting the vision here? When you're doing a video, make sure that before maybe you do a little, you know, moment with yourself where you like, get into that badass inner magic, like, Yeah, I'm awesome. I got this. And then from that frequency, would you be really talking about like, why it's so important to do this? Or would you be talking about from, okay, I know, you get that this is what you want. And this might be something you're missing, this might be something you're missing, you will be having a slightly different conversation. And that keeps you at the correct frequency for the right people to come to you. And especially if your business is global. I mean, we're all online nowadays. So those people could be anywhere like my clients are all over the planet, and resonance from different places, it doesn't matter where the client is, it matters that frequency wise, they recognized you. And that's how you get somebody who like watched you once in some conference or podcast, and it's like, Oh, my God, this is my next step. That's my, you know, Coach that that's who I need, they might not necessarily jump right now to work with you, but they going to file you in the category of I need to follow this person, I need to learn more, and then maybe in the, you know, next day, next week, or next month, they're gonna sign up because you match the frequency.

Eugenia Oganova:

Catharine O'Leary: And do you find that entrepreneurs tend to step into the get the get the metrics, get the get the offer out there, get the messaging out there like kind of rush to market without doing some of that inner work without doing the vision work without really figuring out your power and your gift? And like is it does it put the cart before the horse a little bit, I think

Eugenia Oganova:

is the kind of two extremes sound people tend to, okay, I need to do it, I'm desperate. But I'm like natural type a work work work. So they do this kind of at a time before they internally actually elevated themselves. And whatever frequency note you're going to be promoting will be showing in your marketing and your messaging and another type of offer. So that's important. But there's also the opposite extreme, especially with women, when they feel perpetually not ready. Because they're constantly like, well, you know, I need to learn more, I need another certification, I need to really take this class on how to write a sales page correctly, I really need this class on making sure the video is done right. And all this stuff results, unfortunately, in quite perfect, maybe record the course or something and then crickets, because you haven't built up the right frequency to show up with and market is like being a coach, in today's coaching space is really experimenting, you show up and you got to risk you got to try to just like hit that frequency within yourself. It's not about how do I get the client, it's about how do I maintain my glorious inner badass magic thing and just vibrate at that as much as possible, and then show up in a way that is aligned with me. So if it's podcasts for you than that, if it's video presentations on like Instagram Live or something, then that's what you do. If it's you know, posting and writing and getting published in like Forbes, and whatever magazines that you care about online, great. It doesn't matter which way maybe it's networking, like I'm not a networker. But some people like some of my clients love this connection constantly with like, within LinkedIn or within like Facebook, and they're on Messenger all the time, I would die if I had to do that. But some people like totally, their design is more towards that. And they would die if they had to be on a podcast or present something. So we need to follow what's natural for us, because that's the only way the frequency is going to actually show up correctly within your body. But you also need to make sure that you are doing it from the place of experimentation. Like I'm going to do the best I can right now with what feels right with what I know from my understanding of things I'm gonna get like the best lighting I can do right now. You know, like sometimes that means you standing with the lamp without a shade in your bathroom, because that's the best lighting but it doesn't matter if you sign $10,000 clients from that. What matters though, is that you showed up with the right energy and everything else. Yeah, of course, as the business progresses, when you get to, you know, half a million or million of course, you're gonna have team you're gonna have a lot of production stuff done for you and all of that. And then yes, it gets to be sort of more perfect looking. But really, that's not what sells like some of my clients sell programs before they even have a website. Before they even have anything they just do it because I'm in the right energy I got it. I like I figured out my message. I just want to go and talk about it. Some sell before they even have a program. They're essentially selling it with like, you know, and then I get a call Okay, I just signed somebody they paid the deposit. I need to like make sure my progress was done by Tuesday because that's when we start so that's that happens and it's actually based on correct risking. That's I think, thing that had been so mistranslated, the risking doesn't mean jump off the cliff without a parachute and just like hope for the best. That's not risking. That's just being stupid. Risking is when when you're actually have a plan, but within that plan, you push yourself a little bit beyond your limits. Risking is When you know, you got wings, and you're going to jump and you kind of like prepared, I'm going to figure out how these things work. So I can fly through this presentation or through this something that I may be worried a little bit about. But you don't just go randomly, you actually risk within the strategy, which kind of implies you have to have a strategy to begin with.

Eugenia Oganova:

Catharine O'Leary: It does imply that yes, so, so yes, don't just jump off the cliff, because that is stupid. And risking, and I love this idea of a, you know, of really aligning and having that like, almost like a badass magic score. So if you if we were talking about a quiz for for you, or for your business about making sure that your ideal clients that are coming in to you are thinking about how they're aligned with their inner vision, their soul vision, as well as their business strategy, and so on? And are the two matching up. So you might ask questions around, you know, you know, do you have a business plan? Do you have business strategy, do you have sole vision for your business, you know, like, have you sat down and align the two, to make sure that you're creating something that going forward is going to, you know, lift you up and continue to give you that fire to, you know, continue to deliver, and that that could be something that would be fun for, for your, your ideal clients to go through, and just, you know, kind of get, even before they, they talk with you to get more aligned with, Oh, she's, I gotta get both of these, I gotta get both halves, you know, kind of working together? And how do I how do I kind of, you know, match those up together. And that's what I want to be talking about, you know, going forward. So. And I also want to the idea of, you know, what you were saying about, just, you know, Done is better than perfect. Getting out there. And if you're an I and a lot of the high ticket offers, that I have seen, they've started with just ideas before the sales page, before the like, anything is written down. It's like, Hey, I'm thinking of this. You know, what, like, what are you thinking we're talking, you know, like, 10 $25,000 programs, that, that they tend to start like that from, from what I've been seeing. So yeah, you know, go out there and be a little risky with, you know, with the energy and try stuff out. And if you try it out, and people don't buy, you haven't lost anything, because you haven't started to create anything yet.

Eugenia Oganova:

And I think there's certain pieces of the puzzle that do need to be in place. So you don't jump off the cliff without, obviously. And usually I would look at, like, Do you know what your magic is? Like? What's your expertise? Not the skill, not whatever the hell you studied and got certifications for? Nobody cares. But like, Who are you actually? And what is the magic you're bringing? Like? Do you know that you own that? Because if you don't you can sell anything high ticket? Second, do you know who is your soul niche? like who is this for? So that you're not randomly just talking to everybody? So you want those two ducks in alignment? The third duck is Do you know what your system is? Like? Do you have a method do you have like, this is kind of like what I do, because otherwise you're going to be customizing for every client. And that's insane. So you want to have some sort of a structure, obviously, within that you're still going to customize for a person, but you want to have a process that creates predictable result on the end for different people with minor customization. So that's the third duck. Without that you can go anywhere. So if you have those three ducks, you can go and start promoting even if the offer itself doesn't exist yet, because you generally have the idea that is actually the most important three ducks, and then duck number for us. And what's my offered duck number five is what's my pricing that number six, it's like how am I going to create lead gen for that offer? And what's delivering there are many other ducks. But people think they need to have all those ducks. And it's like, no, you just need the first three, ideally, four. I mean, you kind of want to have an offer and the pricing. But even if you just have first three, you can do this. And the more the first one and the second one are correct, the more your messaging is going to connect with your ideal person.

Eugenia Oganova:

Catharine O'Leary: Yeah, yeah. Wow. This has been fantastic. Thank you so much for for joining us. i There's so many gold nuggets in here, but I love don't run off the cliff without a parachute. Because that's not smart to have your strategy in place, but also have your ducks in a row. You gotta have your ducks in a row. So I know that you have a I believe you have a webinar for us that does tell us a little bit more about that.

Eugenia Oganova:

Yeah, and the webinar is essentially a free class that is going to show you a lot of the things that I was talking about today, like how to build your business in a sustainable way. So you get to those 10k months and more, but in a way that is soul aligned so your soul work is well resourced and you have clients who are paying you more than 5000 for your offer when you're feeling like you're in integrity, so it's like a different way of for coaching that does not require a huge list or endless launching of new course, every, you know, quarter. And this is how you can like learn how to speak to those high end clients, even if you maybe don't consider yourself a high end coach yet but to understand, like what is needed in order to do that, and also understand why some of the kind of traditional rigid cookie cutter masculine strategies might not have worked for you before that it's not something that's wrong with you, and you just didn't like implemented or were lazy, but what needs to actually adjust in order to kind of find your way within those strategies. So that is sold strategy webinar.com. That's where you can view this. And it's just me on video talking about all these pieces that will help you put it together. And hopefully, your business Dan could have these little tweaks to skyrocket to the level that you envision it?

Eugenia Oganova:

Catharine O'Leary: Yeah. And then they can be little tweaks they can, you know, you can't a lot of times alignment really quickly. So this is not like scrapping everything you've ever learned or you know, starting completely from scratch. It's not we're not what we're talking about. So thank you so much. Do you have like maybe one final phrase or word or four, like, you know, to sign us out of it.

Eugenia Oganova:

If you can envision something that means it's meant for you. And it's meant for you in this lifetime. It's meant for you now, and it's not meant for you for like after you study more and do more what it's meant for you now, because in a quantum field, you could not have been able to envision and pick that idea and put it in your heart if it wasn't yours already.

Eugenia Oganova:

Catharine O'Leary: Oh, I love that. All right. So that strategy session will be in the show notes, everyone. Thank you so much for listening again to kickstart the conversation, and we will see you next time. Thank you guys.

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Catharine O'Leary

Catharine O'Leary is an economist, entrepreneur, and investor who is passionate about helping businesses grow. She is also the quiz queen, always asking the best questions to attract the best clients for her clients.

Catharine has spent the last 25 years perfecting her market research and consumer insights expertise in the corporate world. Now she is motivated by helping others apply innovative marketing strategies that make it easier for your ideal clients to find you. Especially if you are a speakers, podcaster, author, or coach!