Episode 32

Success Story: Kelle Sparta and her “What is your Shadow Work Readiness Score” Quiz

Join host Catharine O'Leary, known as the Quiz Queen, in this captivating episode of "Kickstart the Conversation." She welcomes the extraordinary Kelle Sparta to unveil the transformative journey and the profound impact of quizzes on business growth.

Identifying Ideal Clients with the Power of Quizzes

Catharine O'Leary introduces Kelle, a spiritual coach, psychic, and transformational shaman renowned for guiding high-performance individuals through their spiritual awakening. As the host of the Spirit Sherpa podcast, Kelle's wisdom has reached over 275,000 listeners across 191 countries. Her book, "The Overachiever's Guide to Nailing Your Spiritual Growth," stands as a beacon for spiritual seekers.

Kelly delves into her business and shares how she expedites people's paths through spiritual awakening, personal growth, and evolution. Discover the significance of eliminating guesswork for clients and how the quiz emerged as an invaluable tool.

  • Uncover how Kelle's quiz serves as a magnetic lead generator and a precise client filtering mechanism.
  • Explore how the quiz effectively distinguishes individuals ready for Kelle's program from those who may not align.
  • Learn about the quiz's impressive conversion rate, leading to laser-focused discovery calls.

Tune in to gain insights into the dynamic synergy between quizzes and identifying ideal clients, transforming businesses in profound ways.

Ready to take the quiz?

What is your Shadow Work Readiness Score? https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/6390b43d6d532300168c07e1

About the Guest:

Kelle Sparta is a Spiritual Coach who helps high-performance over-achievers navigate their spiritual awakening and expand their spiritual evolution in 1/10th the time it would take to do it on their own. She is the host of the popular Spirit Sherpa Podcast with over 275,000 downloads in 191 countries around the world. Her book, The Over-Achiever's Guide to Nailing Your Spiritual Growth in Record Time, is a curriculum for spiritual seekers. Kelle is a psychic, a medium, a channel, an empath, and a transformational shaman. She uses her expansive tool box to shepherd her students into their own personal enlightenment as quickly and gracefully as possible. Find out more at www.KelleSparta.com






What is the Best Quiz for Your Biz?

Take this FREE 60-second Quiz to Find Out: quizformybiz.com.

About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.


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Catharine O'Leary: Hey everyone, welcome back to kickstart the conversation. I am super excited today because I have one of my former clients who is killing it out there in her business and I can't wait to catch up and and hear more about what she's doing. Kelle Sparta is joining us. Kelle is a spiritual coach who helps high performance overachievers navigate their spiritual awakening and expand their spiritual evolution in 1/10 of the time that it would take to do it on your own. She's the host of the popular spirit Sherpa podcast with over get this 275,000 downloads in 191 countries. I want to grow up to be like Kelly, I'm just saying her book. The overachievers guide to nailing your spiritual growth and record time is actually curriculum for spiritual seekers. Kelly is an amazing woman. She's a psychic medium, a channel an empath, a transformational shaman, and just an overall rocking business woman who I love spending time with So Kelle, welcome to kick start the conversation. How are you today?

Kelle Sparta:

I'm great, Catherine, and I'm so much better. Started using your quiz. Oh my god.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: So Kelly, and I worked on a quiz for her business. So maybe Kelly, you can tell us a little bit about your business who you serve, and kind of what was going on when you first started thinking about doing the quiz?

Kelle Sparta:

Yeah, so my my business is actually two parts now. But at the time that we started talking, it was only one I only had the b2c arm, I now have a b2b arm that I'm watching. But the quiz is around the b2b, b2c arm. And what I do is I take people on an accelerated journey through their spiritual awakening, personal growth and evolution. And so you know, it basically just take out all the empty spaces where you're trying to figure out what's next. And what do I do when where do I find it and that, and if you do that, then you know, you can take 25 years and compress it down into two and a half no problem, right. But the great thing about it is that my stuff is super effective. The bad thing about it is that it's a psychographic, not a demographic to target. And yeah, I've got some demographics, I can say, oh, it's usually women aged 35 to 55. Usually, in the US, you know, and you know, I can give some of those. But that's not enough to, you know, narrow it down. And when I was paying for Facebook ads, I tried Facebook ad after Facebook ad after Facebook ad I spent, like, I spent $25,000 on coaching, to try and figure out how to get the right people in the door, instead of getting in the people who were broke. And, you know, needed a therapist, not me. Right, right. And so the beautiful thing about doing the quiz with you is that because I had a clear idea of who my people were and who they weren't, I actually could structure the quiz in such a way that the quiz results tells me whether or not there's somebody I want to work with. And that has been game changing. And it's also allowed me to enroll people, not just in my first level program, but also in the second and the third, based on their answers to the quiz. I can say, Oh, you based on this answer, you're here, you don't need the first program, we can take you straight into the second one, right. And so it's it's served not just as a lead magnet for my company, but it's also actually served as a way of filtering the leads and knowing exactly what's going to be the right offer to make to each person and who I don't want to make an offer to. Right. And right now I'm actually in conversation with somebody about referring them all the leads, I don't want

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: Oh, really? still serving them. Right. And so most will be a JV partner and get some affiliate commissions on on those people. But like it's okay that you don't serve everyone. Right? So

Kelle Sparta:

if I did, I'd be an insane person. You have to not serve everybody. Yeah. Everybody you serve nobody. Right?

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: I say that all the time. And yeah, probably. I got it. Man. I might have gotten it from you.

Kelle Sparta:

I don't know. I got it from somebody else. So we'll just pretend it's out in the in the ethers, you know. So.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: So not only was it about getting the ideal clients and I want to I want to go back to the psychographic versus demographic for a second because what I see a lot of people do when they come up with their avatars, they say it's Betty, she's 32 she's got two kids married for five years, the you know, blah, blah, blah, lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, you know, has a degree in something and

Kelle Sparta:

knocks out a cat and yeah, and

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: but at the end of the day, who cares? Right? Because if she doesn't need your thing, if she doesn't have a problem to solve that is outside of maybe aging or you know weight loss or are something that you can actually kind of say, oh, you know, like, I can tag that. What if it's just people that want to be happier? What if it's people that want to, as you said, compress time, and you know, get to their end goal faster? Like there's no Facebook tag in the world? That's gonna go for that.

Kelle Sparta:

Tags now, there are fewer tags now, with industry, None.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: None. And this is this goes back to, you know, making sure you understand your ideal client in in such depth that it really doesn't matter how Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, like it doesn't matter how they define people, you can find your person because you know them so well. You know them on all those facets. And that's that's new and you came into the quiz, knowing your ideal client, you really understood their 3am problem, and understood the people that were not ready for you yet.

Kelle Sparta:

Right? Yeah. So you know, the beautiful thing about the quiz also is that, as I get my leads in the door, and I'm now getting 320, some leads a month, and I'm spending $50 a day. So 320 leads, that's the bottom of the quiz. That's the number of people who actually complete the quiz. There's, you know, I think my conversion rate on is 60.1 61 something around there percent. And so you know, as all those leads are coming in, every month, I download all those leads, delete the the people that I don't want and then I tack that on. I add a new look alike audience to my Facebook ads from that, and it now targets them more effectively. Right. And then I've also got no the Facebook ad and the the retargeting ad that goes back the second time if they didn't click it the first time, right. But the best thing about this is that people are sharing it.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: Oh, I love this.

Kelle Sparta:

I love this story. They're sharing it. They're tagging people in the comments of the the ads going, Oh, you need to take this quiz. And, oh, this was amazing. Because I give a lot of content at the results section. I'm like, okay, here, let me tell you all about yourself based on this quiz. And they're like, Oh, my God, this was why are you inside my head? What? Right? And so, yeah, I've gotten leads that have come in and bought my programs who have said just that, I felt like you were right in my head calling me out. Like, clearly you knew what I needed. And so I'm here, right? And all in what, like 10 questions, those 10 questions? Yes,

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: I think it was. Yeah. And that was long. That was a longer quiz. Yeah,

Kelle Sparta:

one of those included, you know, how much would you pay to fix it? Which Yeah, you know, it, which I love. Because it's not a, you know, you're gonna pay this much, it's just an indication of where their price point is that they can buy it, right, because I've got the full blown version, I've got the self study version, I've got the mini version. Right. And so where do i Where do I start talking to them?

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: Yeah, because it helps it what it does is it helps you actually connect to the client where they're at. Right, so that, you know, if they are not willing to invest, then you know, that's, that's a different conversation than somebody that's, you know, I'm all in, I'm ready for your high level, you know, offer your high ticket offer. And so just go back a bit Kelly, tell us what your quizzes and kind of what what journey it takes people on?

Kelle Sparta:

Yeah, so the quiz is, what is your Shadow Work Readiness score. And I use the jargon of Shadow Work purposefully, because I wanted people who spoke my language, because I'm pretty woowoo, in what I do. And if they're coming in cold from, you know, personal growth side, and they don't know anything about will, I'm a little harder for them to integrate, right. And so I went with that the purpose of the, the quiz was to tell you where they ended up what stage they were in. So I have three stages in my work that I do with the BDC group, which is, you know, find the mental, emotional and energetic safety that you need to give yourself the bandwidth to change, right, so that you're not like, spinning anxiety, right. And then the second one is solidify your energetic container and your identity, your sense of self. And that gives you the space, the the energetic container in which to do your shadow work. And then the final piece is doing the shadow work itself. Because you know, and then there's this whole education process that I go through with them at the top of my results that says, here's how this works. And here's why you shouldn't skip these steps, these steps. And we explain the entire process so they get a vision of the entire program based on their results. And then where they fit in that program.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: And then and when they take that next step, which is I believe it's a is it a call discovery call? Yeah, Discovery call. So how are those calls go Going now? Well,

Kelle Sparta:

so when they show up, because sometimes they don't, we're working on that. But when they show up, it's a very different conversation than it's ever been. I know I have a podcast. And that's where I had been getting most of my leads from. And the podcast is a long term play, you know, when somebody comes in, they've usually listened to between five and 100 episodes of the podcast. And so, you know, they are coming in with a lot of knowledge about me, but they're not very focused. Right. And so my discovery calls end up being half an hour to an hour. And when they're coming in off the quiz, their 15 minute conversations about do you want to buy? They are not. They're not like all over the place. They are super focused, they are on the call to have a conversation with me about buying program. And so it you know, a lot of people would say, Oh, that's a setter call in 15 minutes. Right. But it's not, it's actually a closing call. So, you know, I was floored at how easy the conversion is, because they're just that prepared.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: So talk about, you know, warping time and taking an hour call 60 minutes to 15 minutes, that means that you can spend a lot more time closing calls. Yes. Then trying to explain what you do. Yeah. Now we're trying to get into you know, what, like, what part of this you need to be in?

Kelle Sparta:

Right now, not all of it is just the quiz, you know, I have a follow up sequence that I do with them. But I can customize those follow up sequences to where they are in their process? Yes. Because I know, based on their quiz results, right. And so when I get on call with them, I like what quiz results did you get, you know, here, here's where we're going to start the conversation, right? And so they feel like I've customized it to them. And they're feeling like it is that they're getting to exactly the right program for them because they took the quiz.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: So so and you had mentioned that. So we talked about lookalike audiences a little bit. And so for the people that out there that don't, you know, maybe don't do Facebook ads paid advertising. For one thing, and I will say this all the time is Be wary of paid advertising until you're making consistent income that you can actually spend the money as Kelly is. And so if you're not making, you know, good five figures, six, figure five figures a month, at least, paid advertising may not work. And as they go through and complete your course, or your quiz, and now you can go out and find Oh, you know, Debbie went through my quiz. She's like she came through, she's a buyer like, this is great. I want more Debbie's. And then you can go out and tell Facebook to say, okay, you know what, go find more Debbie's or go find more Stephens or whatever it is out there. So it's a really good targeting method. And I love that you're optimizing and continuing to do that. Kelly, just tell us a little bit about on this on the kind of the finishing side, the sales side, how Now you said that as people get into the calls, they're ready to buy the how is that those conversations going? How are those results going?

Kelle Sparta:

They're going great. I mean, I'm I've got to between 40 and 50%, close rate on those calls.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: That's amazing. That's so amazing. Yeah. And

Kelle Sparta:

he's doing much, I gotta be honest, it's not like I'm an amazing closer, I'm just going oh, so what's going on with you? And here's what you got from the quiz. And here's how the program works. And what do you think? And they're like, Yeah, Sign me up. And I was like, Yeah, it's really not.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: These are not $19 programs are no, no, no, no

Kelle Sparta:

lowest price programs through grant. Right. So

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: these are higher ticket offers. Yeah. Which is amazing. Well, Kelle, how like, tell us what's up next, because I know that you've got some exciting news. You so

Kelle Sparta:

I, like I said at the beginning, I'm launching my b2c program, or my b2b program, rather, which is my spiritual coach certification. And what I'm actually doing is teaching coaching, spiritual practitioners and coaches, how to run my programs, that BBC program that we were just talking about, I now that I've cracked the code for getting regular leads. I'm like, Okay, now let me bring in other people and show them how to how to market and how to sell this and deliver it. And then we'll work together to build a new vision. And my vision is I'm putting together a spiritual University. I'm building Hogwarts. Okay, oh, that's

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: backwards, right? I want to come to Hogwarts.

Kelle Sparta:

So that's what I'm doing is everybody's learning how to how to teach the undergrad work, right. And then as they're evolving through their processes, they will be developing their own programs, and I'll be helping them to do that. And we'll be marketing them under the same, same umbrella. And so, that's the vision of where we're going and I'm super excited about everything. I mean, books, podcasts, you know, courses coaching programs. If I'm building Hogwarts, ma'am, it's gonna be awesome. I

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: love that and you know that I'm right beside you if anything that you need to do to help build Hogwarts, I'm all over it. Perfect. Well, if you want to learn more about what Kelle is up to and doing what's coming, what's coming soon. Kelle what? Where can people find you?

Kelle Sparta:

So Kelle sparta.com Just like you see it on the screen, k e l l e? No, no, ie no EY, no, just ke ll E. Yes, my mother's phonetically stupid. I can't help it. Kelle sparta.com. Or you can check out my podcast at Spirit Sherpa, sh er, Pa podcast.com. Spiritual perfect.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: And those links will be in the show notes. Kelly, any final words for the audience?

Kelle Sparta:

If you were thinking about doing a quiz, and you don't talk to the quiz screen, you are doing yourself a disservice. Because and this is gonna be longer than you thought it was gonna be. But because I started doing this quiz by myself. And we happen to be in a networking group together. And I said, Hey, can I run this by you? And you're like, oh, yeah, no, you got to work on that. And I will tell you that if I had put the quiz out the way that I had done it, it would not be producing the way that it's producing. Now, I promise you that because my questions were unclear even though in my head they were clear that my title wasn't braid. My my. I had way too many questions. You know, I mean, all the things and Catharine was instrumental in making this work. So if you're considering doing a quiz, you need Catharine's help.

Kelle Sparta:

Catharine O'Leary: Perfect. Well, thank you, Kelle. And it's been a blast and I cannot wait to see what Hogwarts ends up looking like. Thank you, everyone for joining us on kickstart the conversation and I hope to see you or have you listening in next week. Bye bye bye.

About the Podcast

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Kickstart the Conversation
Leads, Lists, and Leverage

About your host

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Catharine O'Leary

Catharine O'Leary is an economist, entrepreneur, and investor who is passionate about helping businesses grow. She is also the quiz queen, always asking the best questions to attract the best clients for her clients.

Catharine has spent the last 25 years perfecting her market research and consumer insights expertise in the corporate world. Now she is motivated by helping others apply innovative marketing strategies that make it easier for your ideal clients to find you. Especially if you are a speakers, podcaster, author, or coach!